Rhel'ra Fashonti
A chimeric Miqo'te/Lupin hybrid hailing from Northern Othard who left to look for a new home after his small village was overtaken by Garlean rule.
He is currently travelling the world in search of pretty sights and even prettier faces.
Personal Info
A Chimeric Miqo'te mixed with that of a Lupin who had been living within a small village in Northern Othard that was under Garlemald's rule.
He was eventually taken in by Yotsuyu after appealing to her greater interest--being made to work in the same brothel she had been in so long ago after having his name changed from a miqo'te name to that more fitting of Kugane as a sort of trial...or maybe cause she and her brother found the suffering of the cat amusing.He eventually did escape via the help of some patrons and fellow workers in the brothel and never looked back, knowing well that if he was caught something worse than death could've possibly awaited him.Rhel'ra didn't worry nor care too much about his past life or his family as they were quick to shun him when he was ready to throw away his dignity for a supposed "better life" by sucking up to said general who ruled over their home.
Age: | 26 |
Race: | Miqo'te/Lupin Hybrid |
NameDay: | 21st Sun of the 6th Astral Moon (Nov 20th) |
Pronouns: | He/They |
Gender: | Intersex |
Identity: | Non-Binary/Genderfluid |
Height: | 5' 10 |
Profession: | Bartender || Dancer |
The outside would would see Rhel'ra as very confident and flirty...seeming to always know the right words or phrases to get under a person's skin.Rhel'ra is truly not the best person...or at least that's how he see's himself. In actuality Rhel'ra can be described as two-faced, selfish and rather full of himself at times...but is geninuely fearful of how the world see's him, holding beauty and appearances--specifically his own, over anything else in the world as he feels he wouldn't matter if he lost either of them.When it comes to relationships, the feline is actually quite loyal and would actually kill if anything or anyone were to harm the ones he holds near and dear to his heart. While Rhel seems to have a large circle of people he actively goes to, there's only a handful of people he will actually open up to and share his problems with.
Extra Information
Rhel'ra was actively the odd one out amidst his village...being born a chimera gave him a strange appearance to outsiders combined with that of his more animalistic features.
His family was nomadic for a time being before stopping in a village of Lupins where they settled down.
Despite being thrown into a brothel, Rhel'ra didn't have the worst relationship with Yotsuyu...she actually preferred Rhel'ra's company over Asahi's.
Rhel'ra and Yotsuyu actively helped each other heal through their various traumas--Yotsuyu petting the area between Rhel's ears to get a sense of control back as well as Rhel'ra being able to feel comfortable from the touch of another.
Rhel'ra actively refers to himself as a fox when he actively has more lupin in him than anything--He hasn't corrected himself since no one bothers to ask
When in Kugane Rhel'ra actively goes by the name Rei instead of his Miqo'te name...he sort of uses it out of habit more than anything.
He is Polyamorous
Rhel'ra has a few hidden piercings he doesn't talk about...one being on his tongue
NSFW Information
Rhel'ra is a keeper with a lithe build and a curvy figure. He has very feminine hips as well as a rather androgynous shaped face. He is very tall for a Miqo'te of his build mostly cause of his legs being digi-grade giving him a few extra inches to his height.
Being born a chimera, Rhel'ra is intersex so he has both masculine and feminine parts that are both fully functional...meaning the fox can actively get pregnant if he tried.Despite saying he is a switch, Rhel'ra is a very obvious bottom...albeit a power bottom but close enough.
Sexuality: | Pansexual |
Sex Positions: | Switch || Power Bottom |
Size Difference
Pet Play
Tail/Hair Pulling
Wax Play
Non/Dub-Con (Without strict permission)
Ear Biting/Pulling
Bathroom Play
Blood/Knife Play
Choking (Can enjoy with permission)
Private Album
Series of Photographs taken and kept in a special place that only a few have gotten permission to see.These images are NSFW, meaning they are sexual in nature or feature the naked body. These images are modded and use custom gposes. They are no way in association with FFXIV and Square Enix.((If You Are Under 18...Leave))
OOC Information
Welcome! This is just some short info about myself and my writing style
Name: | Floof || Floofy |
Pronouns: | She/Her || They/Them |
RP Styles: | SFW/NSFW || Long/Short Term |
Writing Length: | Long/Short-Para || Match Partner's |